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Table 1 Characteristics of Included Studies

From: 3D - Printed Patient Specific Instrumentation in Corrective Osteotomy of the Femur and Pelvis: A Review of the Literature


Level of Evidence [2]

Sample Size


Relevant Reported Result Domains

p value

Zheng et al., Sci Rep, 2017 [3]


12 cases v 13 controls

Proximal Femoral Varus and Shortening Osteotomy following DDH

Reduced OR Time, intraoperative Imaging and better correction achieved relative to plan

p < 0.05

Zheng et al., Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg, 2017 [4]


11 patients

Accuracy of placement of screws in paediatric hip plate

OR Time

Intraoperative Imaging

Template Fit/Match to Cortex

Screw Placement and Trajectory

no comparison group

Zhou et all., Medicine 2016 [5]


5 Cadaveric Specimens, 10 Hemi-Pelvises

Bernese Peri-Acetabular Osteotomy

Computer simulated osteotomy vs 3D printed patient specific guide in periacetabular osteotomy

p > 0.05

Sallent et al., Bone Joint Res, 2017 [6]


5 Cadaveric Specimens, 10 Hemi-Pelvises

Pelvic Bone Tumour Resection

Deviation of Osteotomy from Plan

p < 0.032

Tong K et al., Journal of Southern Medical Uni, 2013 [7]


13 hips

Steele Osteotomy for DDH

Accuracy of osteotomy using Reverse Engineered templates

No statistical analysis

Shi, Sun [8]


14 controls v 15 cases

Femoral corrective osteotomy in DDH

Accuracy of correction, intraopetrative time, number of fluoroscopic images

p = 0.0003

Cherkasskiy et al. [9]


15 patients

Proximal femoral osteotomy following SCFE - comparison using 3D model, no model and senior surgeons (5 pts. per group)

Operative time, fluoroscopy time

p = 0.40, 0.30

Bortulev et al. [10]


15 cases v 15 controls

Triple pelvic osteotomy

Accuracy of correction

p < 0.05

Jentzsch et al. [11]



Pelvic tumour resection

Tumour free resection margins,

no statistical analysis

Buhler T et al. [12]



Use of 3D printed template guide for osteotomy of the femur to correct malunion

Accuracy of correction

no statistical analysis