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Table 1 Appropriateness Ratings for Abdominal, Hepatobiliary, and Gastrointestinal Indications. The “Rating driven…” column denotes if the primary decision for the condition’s rating was decided primarily through results and discussion of the literature search or expert opinion (the latter was largely reserved for conditions with no or few supporting studies). The “Study quality” column reflects the graded strength of evidence assessment according to ACR Appropriateness Criteria Evidence Document50 (individual ratings available in Appendix 2). The highest/most robust level of evidence is ‘Category 1’ and the lowest is ‘Category 4.’ No studies qualified for Category 1, but multiple did qualify for Category 2

From: Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) 3D Printing Special Interest Group (SIG) clinical situations for which 3D printing is considered an appropriate representation or extension of data contained in a medical imaging examination: abdominal, hepatobiliary, and gastrointestinal conditions