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Fig. 3 | 3D Printing in Medicine

Fig. 3

From: Comparison of fluid dynamics changes due to physical activity in 3D printed patient specific coronary phantoms with the Windkessel equivalent model of coronary flow

Fig. 3

Length and Radii Determination to Calculate Resistance. a The three main coronary arteries were automatically segmented from the rest of the heart tissue. The blue highlighted region of the LAD is the location in which plaque buildup is located. b The radii of the LAD are measured at the location of the stenosis and is input into Poiseuille’s Law equation to determine the resistance within the vessel at the location of the stenosis. c Additional view of stenosis within LAD to determine vessel radius. d The length of the vasculature from the ostium to the location of the stenosis is measured and input into Poiseuille’s Law equation to determine the resistance within the vessel at the location of the stenosis

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